Where can I buy the HiFive1 in Europe?

Hi all,

Where can I buy the HiFive1 board in Europe online?


In the past, the original HiFive1 was available world-wide from Mouser. However it is discontinued and out of stock. I don’t know whether the new HiFive1 RevB will be available there later. At the moment CrowdSupply is the only option.

I ordered at Mouser and got the package today from Crowdsupply.

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Yes, it is on Mouser indeed:


(Why is a single FE310-G002 chip so horribly expensive with EUR 22.50!?)

If you look at the crowdsupply site you will see that is 25 USD for 5 chips. That is roughly 22.50 EUR. I think it is an error on the mouser site that they don’t describe the product accurately.