Connect Learn Inventor to WiFi and AWS

Hi @ all,

I’m not sure, if this posting is in the right category - but I did not find any similar. So please move it, if necessary.

I set up my development environment with the Getting Started Guide V1.1. Building, running and debugging the Amazon FreeRTOS Demo Project works with Freedom Studio, openOCD and J-Link on my Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Now it gets more challanging and therefore I’d like to post some questions and I hope you may answer.

  1. Where can I find the schematics and the layout of the Learn Inventor? At least I need an interface documentation. Otherwise the hardware isn’t very useful.

  2. The Getting Stared Guide says: “Once you have connected the board to your computer, you will have two serial ports and the J‐Link debugger available. One serial port is used for SiFIve CPU debug output, and the other serial port outputs ESP32 Wi-Fi module log messages.”
    ==> How can I connect these serial ports? Do I need a FTDI-adapter or something similar (I think so…)? Where can I connect the serial interface to the Learn Inventor? See question 1.

  3. In the Amazon FreeRTOS Demo Project a tried to set up the Wifi connecting. This did not work. I havn’t found the right place to put in the credentials for the Wifi. Obvious it would be to put in the SSID and the passkey into the file aws_wifi_config.h within the config_files, but this doesn’t work, because the defines (wificonfigACCESS_POINT_SSID_PREFIX, wificonfigACCESS_POINT_PASSKEY) are not used in the project. :frowning:
    What will be the name of the Learn Inventor I can see in my home network?

  4. Later, when there is a Wifi connection, how can I connect the Learn Inventor to AWS? Can you post a link with a HOWTO?


OK, meanwhile I answered question 3. by myself:

  • aws_wifi_config.h with its defines wasn’t the right header
  • using aws_clientcredential.h with its defines clientcredentialWIFI_SSID and clientcredentialWIFI_PASSWORD helps to connect to the Wifi
  • when the Learn Inventor is connected, you will recognize it as “espressif”

The questions 1., 2. and 4. are still open for me. Maybe anyone can help?