Writing prebuilt disk image to uSD card

Hello everyone,

I am experimenting with HiFive Unmatched RevB computer.
I did not have any problems booting from uSD card delivered together with HiFive Unmatched RevB computer.

However, I do not understand if there are any missing points in the way I am writing disk images from uSD cards.
Same problems happen when I use release candidate 2024.07.00 and when I build images for HiFive Unmatched RevB from the freedom-u-sdk myself.

I am using this command for writing to my uSD card:

sudo xzcat ./demo-coreip-cli-unmatched.rootfs.wic.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/sda bs=512K iflag=fullblock oflag=direct conv=fsync status=progress

U-Boot does not understand command sysboot and after that it does not find EFI system partition. After that it scans USB for storage devices and looks for storage devices over Ethernet, but I guess I do not have to include it in my post.

Do you know is it some problem with U-Boot or the way I am preparing my uSD card?
I would like to use images from freedom-u-sdk, and not from some other projects.
Thank you!

I would try some older versions of freedom-u-sdk that have earlier versions of u-boot.

u-boot 2024.01

u-boot 2023.10

Thank you @drmpeg
At least Release Version 2024.03.00 works fine.