From any platform Mac, Linux or Windows, with Qemu ?
The Freedom Studio bundle comes with some different QEMU binaries, so you can create software examples and debug them without any target hardware.
Yes. At least for Linux (Ubuntu) with qemu-sifive-s51 example.
But the Mac OS version of Freedom Studio doesn’t work. I try qemu-sifive-e31, qemu-sifive-e31, qemu-sifive-e31, qemu-sifive-u54mc and no one can run/debug.
I try qemu-sifive-s51 example since a month without success…
For Mac there happens to be some missing libraries that are not available with the current Mac install. Try this:
- Install homebrew:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL <"
- Run:
brew install vde libssh lzo snappy nettle gnutls
We do have active support request on this topic (since it is not related directly to HiFive Unmatched) so we can follow up there if there is additional support needed. Please check your spam folder in case you missed the support email.
Work perfectly! Thank you David.
(I think the ‘<’ character before “https:” must be removed)
Is it possible to save qemu_sifive_s51_sifive_welcome preferences\configurations to build a General project using the saved preferences\configurations
(and run/debug with QEMU) ?
Is it possible to save and restore qemu_sifive_s51_sifive_welcome project ?
Again Thank you very much.
A poor man solution:
- save the application (3 gb)
- save the folder /Users/user_name/wsFreedomStudio