I think I might’ve busted the USB socket on my Hifive1-revB. I’ve had it working fine previously.
I’ve been busy recently so I didn’t use it for a couple months and coming back now I don’t even get a blimp in the kernel about the USB.
The device itself works from the USB port tho, it gets powered and I can also enter the “rescue” mode with blinking LED so the CPU is fine too.
There’s nothing if I reconnect the device, no loss or new device in DMESG. I tried a separate usb cable and also in Windows just to be sure (windows used to find it as well).
NOTE: I didn’t change the main program on the device since last time it worked, I’m pretty sure this is on the “connectivity” side.
Is there some other way I can connect? Any way to measure-debug the data lines on the usb socket maybe?