Freedom E300 MCS file not working

Ah, I see now. With our updates to the Freedom repository, we need to update our openocd.cfg files to work with it properly. But since we have not yet uploaded the pre-built MCS versions from the current freedom repo to, the freedom-e-sdk is still configured to work with the old one.

If you are building your own MCS files, you can change the following lines:

Warn : JTAG tap: riscv.cpu UNEXPECTED: 0x20000913 (mfg: 0x489 (), part: 0x0000, ver: 0x2)
Error: JTAG tap: riscv.cpu expected 1 of 1: 0x10e31913 (mfg: 0x489 (), part: 0x0e31, ver: 0x1)

That will solve the error

Error: Device ID 0x20000913 is not known as FESPI capable

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