I have a Freedom E300 ARTY FPGA Devkit. I did not update the FPGA or the software running in it. It is the stock version. On power up, it brings up menu driven demo program to control the RGB LEDs, push button and slide switches.
I downloaded Sifive Freedom studio package for Windows, unzipped and imported the example projects that come along with it. Compiled the projects successfully. To do a debug connection, devkit is connected to an Olimex ARM-USB-TINY-H probe. The wiring is done as mentioned in SiFive-E310-arty-gettingstarted-v1.0.6.pdf. On debug connection using OpenOCD, it gives the following error.
@sandeepvl, did you upload the MCS image from SiFive’s website? The Arty Board when shipped from Digilent has their own demo program not provided by SiFive. I didn’t see it as a step that you did to reprogram the MCS image. You will need to do that in order to make the debugger connection. You can get the MCS image with the “Claim the Bitstream” button here: https://dev.sifive.com/freedom-soc/evaluate/fpga/