hi ,
make upload PROGRAM=demo_gpio BOARD=freedom-e300-arty
work/build/openocd/prefix/bin/openocd -f bsp/env/freedom-e300-arty/openocd.cfg &
/home/keerthi/freedom-e-sdk/work/build/riscv-gnu-toolchain/riscv64-unknown-elf/prefix/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb software/demo_gpio/demo_gpio --batch -ex “set remotetimeout 240” -ex “target extended-remote localhost:3333” -ex “monitor reset halt” -ex “monitor flash protect 0 64 last off” -ex “load” -ex “monitor resume” -ex “monitor shutdown” -ex “quit” &&
echo "Successfully uploaded ‘demo_gpio’ to freedom-e300-arty."
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0+dev (2018-07-24-12:24)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
adapter speed: 10000 kHz
Error: The specified debug interface was not found (ftdi)
The following debug interfaces are available:
1: jlink
localhost:3333: Connection timed out.
“monitor” command not supported by this target.
“monitor” command not supported by this target.
You can’t do that when your target is `exec’
“monitor” command not supported by this target.
“monitor” command not supported by this target.
Successfully uploaded ‘demo_gpio’ to freedom-e300-arty.
I cannot able to see the output on GNU screen.