Can the system compiled by freedom-u-sdk run directly on the vc707 board? If not, how can I transplant it?
Thank you very much!
As far as I know, the boot loader on the vc707 still doesn’t support partitions, and current freedom-u-sdk requires multiple partitions for u-boot support, so if you don’t have the fmc/pcie extender then no. But there is a v1_0 branch of freedom-u-sdk that just creates a bbl+kernel+initramfs that should work. Note that the boot loader can only load 16MB from the sdcard, so you must keep the bbl+kernel+initramfs size at 16MB or smaller. This limits what you can do. You won’t be able to put a complete linux distro on the board for instance.
I also see a linux_u500vc707devkit_config branch, so maybe there is something interesting in there. I haven’t used that branch so I don’t know what it is for.
I don’t have a vc707, so I don’t know all of the details of how this stuff works.
Thank you.
Does vc707 not support partitioning or does the current freedom branch not support partitioning? I also have a vcu118 here.
It is the vc707 that doesn’t support partitioning, but I’m not a hardware guy nor a bootloader guy, so I don’t know what the issue is. I just know that it isn’t supported.