I’m experiencing weird behaviour of PIN12 on the hifive1 revb.
Having GPIO-Pin 4 configured as output with deactivated io functions I can measure a high voltage of around 1V. With the DriveStrength set I can push it to around 1.9V. But I cannot get it to 3.3V as all the other pins.
Actually I stumbled over this because I tried to implement SPI and I didn’t get the MISO to read anything. So I now have a suspicion that maybe somthing is wrong with the pin?
Can someone verify that gpio 4 works or maybe someone got the SPI1 working?
WiFi chip interferes with your signal? You need to deassert WiFi CS pin (or at least float it). If the WiFi firmware is broken, it may be more problematic.
thanks for your answer!
I tried to deassert the WIFI CS pin (as far I know thats CS2, gpio9, pin15) by having it pulled up and by having its IOF active. But neither worked for me.
The MISO Pin seems to act as sink. When I disconnected the slaves miso pin from the board I could see in the logic analyzer that the spi communcation works. But as long it’s connected its always 0V.
Is it possible that the ESP pulls the MISO line to gnd?
I desoldered SJ1 and pulled pin15 high. Voltage on both bridge sides are high, I also checked at the ESP IO15 and its also 3.3V.
But MISO (Pin12) is still acting as sink.