I am looking for any IDE to develop small application to compile and run with RISCV-toolchain (compiler and simulator).
Any recommended IDE for this? basically i will configure riscv-gnu-toolchain on this IDE and want to write some simple c programs and debug RISCV instructions.
SiFive has an eclipse release that targets our boards. This is available on our web site under https://www.sifive.com/software . There is also a third party eclipse release called GNU MCU Eclipse that you might find interesting. There are also a number of commercial solutions. There are links to some of these on our web site too.
PlatformIO IDE could be a great candidate for a quick start. It has support for SiFive products and support for different emulators/simulators if you don’t have physical hardware.
I have installed Platform IO on my windows system. Now i want to configure my RISCV-gnu toolchain which i had build using WSL ubuntu. I can only see preinstalled development boards when i try to create a new project in platform IO.
Basically i have installed RISCV simulator (SPIKE) and RISCV-GNU-Toolchain, as i do not want to write program for any hardware boards.
How do i configure these software toolchains with Platform IO. Are there any examples for simulator configuration?