GPIO input ports

Hello! I’m really hoping to get some help here as I’ve already spent several days trying to figure out what’s going on.

I’m trying to learn low-level development, without using libraries (C or assembler, openosd).
I read a lot of documentation, and there is one thing that has been bothering me for several days now.

I’m trying to understand how input gpi works. Let’s say I take gpio port number 16. I turn on the input bit, I turn on the pull-up resistor. Why, I connect this port through a wire to ground. Then, no matter what I do, the value in the bit at address 0x10012000 does not change at all. No matter what external influence I have, it will always be 1.
Do I understand correctly that this can only be changed through interrupts? Thanks to everyone who decides to help!

#include "types.h"
#include "GPIO.h"

static inline void delay(uint32_t n_cycles) {
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_cycles; i++) {
        asm volatile("nop");
static inline void zero_gpio(void){
    for(uint32_t * addr = (uint32_t *) GPIO_BASE;
                   addr <=(uint32_t *) GPIO_PASSTHRU_LOW_IE;
        *addr = 0;

void main(void) {


    uint32_t tmp = 0;
    uint32_t socket_mask = 1 << 16;
    uint32_t blue_led = 1 << 21;
    uint32_t green_led = 1 << 22;

    volatile uint32_t *gpio_output_en = (uint32_t *)GPIO_OUTPUT_EN;
    volatile uint32_t *gpio_input_en = (uint32_t *)GPIO_INPUT_EN;
    volatile uint32_t *gpio_output_val = (uint32_t *)GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL;
    volatile uint32_t *gpio_pue = (uint32_t *) GPIO_PUE;
    volatile uint32_t *gpio_base = (uint32_t *) GPIO_BASE;
    // volatile uint32_t *gpio_xor = (uint32_t *) GPIO_OUTPUT_XOR;

    *gpio_input_en |= socket_mask;
    *gpio_pue |= socket_mask;

    // *gpio_xor |= (socket_mask);
    // *gpio_input_en &= ~( blue_led | green_led );
    // *gpio_output_en |= ( blue_led | green_led );
    while (1) {
        int flag = (*gpio_base & socket_mask);
        if(flag == socket_mask){
            *gpio_output_en = 1 << 21;
            *gpio_output_val = 0;
            *gpio_output_en = 0;
            *gpio_pue = 0;
            *gpio_base = 0;
            *gpio_output_en = 1 << 19;
            *gpio_output_en = 0;
            *gpio_output_val = 0;
            *gpio_pue |= socket_mask;
            *gpio_base = 0;


Answer is yes.