Problem occurs when using external LED

Anybody worked with external led blink or turn on /off ?
Because i am facing this issue, Should i make some changes in wiring_digital?
It works well with my own code ,when i set and clear XOR,But in wiring_digital it is always cleared.Someone can clear my doubt.

And no problem with inbuilt led.

Thank you.

Are you suggesting digitalWrite() doesn’t work?

I’ve never had any problem with it. Whether output pins are connected to LEDs or stepper motors or whatever is irrelevant.

Yes, I don’t know why !
It happens only when using an LED ,My connections 're correct.
ok then i will analyze the problem.

Can you be more explicit about your circuit?

This is my code
if( strcmp(store,on) == 0){

 GPIO_REG(GPIO_OUTPUT_EN)      &=  ~(1 << PIN_15_OFFSET);


 _puts("Led on\n");
else if( strcmp(store,off) == 0){

 GPIO_REG(GPIO_OUTPUT_EN)      |=  (1 << PIN_15_OFFSET);

 _puts("Led off\n");


but when i use digitalWrite it doesn’t work.

I have connected the led pins to dig pin 15 and GND, I tried with other pins also.

And your code :slight_smile:

You need a “pinMode(15, OUTPUT);” somewhere. And it should be “digitalWrite(15, HIGH);”, not PIN_15_OFFSET there. The digitalWrite() maps the value 15 to the appropriate PIN_15_OFFSET itself, which is board-dependent i.e. different for AVR or RISC-V or ARM boards.

yeah, that “pinMode(PIN_15_OFFSET, OUTPUT);” was initialized above the code i forgot to show it.

Oh! really? Then i will change it to “15” and check it.

Also, as with the built-in LED, you should wire the LED between the pin and 3.3 V or 5 V, not between the pin and GND, or you’ll get reversed sense of HIGH/LOW.

See the bottom left of P3 of

Yes i had that issue!

Its working now bruce ! it was my mistake, i thought that i should use its offset values.

Thanks a lot, learnt a new thing today.:smiley: