I am trying to port touchscreen library in C for hifive1, i am using adc mcp3008 in which i will give two wires as inputs to the channel 1 and 2 in the ADC (Y+ and X-) from the TFT display.
Now my doubt is , as i was reading the getPoint()
i saw this portion
getPoint(void) {
int x, y, z;
int samples[NUMSAMPLES];
uint8_t i, valid;
valid = 1;
pinMode(_yp, INPUT);
pinMode(_ym, INPUT);
pinMode(_xp, OUTPUT);
pinMode(_xm, OUTPUT);
#if defined (USE_FAST_PINIO)
*xp_port |= xp_pin;
*xm_port &= ~xm_pin;
digitalWrite(_xp, HIGH);
digitalWrite(_xm, LOW);
#ifdef arm
delayMicroseconds(20); // Fast ARM chips need to allow voltages to settle
for (i=0; i<NUMSAMPLES; i++) {
samples[i] = analogRead(_yp);
insert_sort(samples, NUMSAMPLES);
// Allow small amount of measurement noise, because capacitive
// coupling to a TFT display’s signals can induce some noise.
if (samples[0] - samples[1] < -4 || samples[0] - samples[1] > 4) {
valid = 0;
} else {
samples[1] = (samples[0] + samples[1]) >> 1; // average 2 samples
x = (1023-samples[NUMSAMPLES/2]);
pinMode(_xp, INPUT);
pinMode(_xm, INPUT);
pinMode(_yp, OUTPUT);
pinMode(_ym, OUTPUT);
#if defined (USE_FAST_PINIO)
*ym_port &= ~ym_pin;
*yp_port |= yp_pin;
digitalWrite(_ym, LOW);
digitalWrite(_yp, HIGH);
#ifdef arm
delayMicroseconds(20); // Fast ARM chips need to allow voltages to settle
for (i=0; i<NUMSAMPLES; i++) {
samples[i] = analogRead(_xm);
insert_sort(samples, NUMSAMPLES);
// Allow small amount of measurement noise, because capacitive
// coupling to a TFT display’s signals can induce some noise.
if (samples[0] - samples[1] < -4 || samples[0] - samples[1] > 4) {
valid = 0;
} else {
samples[1] = (samples[0] + samples[1]) >> 1; // average 2 samples
y = (1023-samples[NUMSAMPLES/2]);
// Set X+ to ground
// Set Y- to VCC
// Hi-Z X- and Y+
pinMode(_xp, OUTPUT);
pinMode(_yp, INPUT);
#if defined (USE_FAST_PINIO)
*xp_port &= ~xp_pin;
*ym_port |= ym_pin;
digitalWrite(_xp, LOW);
digitalWrite(_ym, HIGH);
int z1 = analogRead(_xm);
int z2 = analogRead(_yp);
if (_rxplate != 0) {
// now read the x
float rtouch;
rtouch = z2;
rtouch /= z1;
rtouch -= 1;
rtouch *= x;
rtouch *= _rxplate;
rtouch /= 1024;
z = rtouch;
} else {
z = (1023-(z2-z1));
if (! valid) {
z = 0;
return TSPoint(x, y, z);
X+ , X-, Y+,Y-
when i connected X- and Y+ to the 2 channels of adc how can i do the above function?
As only 2 digital pins will be connected in hifive1 headers (i.e X+ & Y-) and spi pins from adc.