I have a HiFive rev b and I’m trying out different things out in assembly. I’m using the command line environment riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc-8.2.0-2019.02.0-x86_64-apple-darwin and the latest version of freedom-e-sdk.
In machine mode I have no problem what so ever to call printf from assembly, but I get no output when calling printf from user mode, nor do I get any output when calling printf in the isr after causing a fault in user mode. What could be the reason?
I have tested several things to find the issue:
- I can call printf successfully from machine mode
- I can read, write and execute in user mode
- I have expanded the stack space
- I have called other methods written in C and there is not problem calling a method such as “int addition(int a, int b)”. Adding printf gives no output.
- if I induce a fault in machine mode then a call to printf in the isr works
- if I induce a fault in user mode then a call to printf gives no printout
- my own methods using the uart works in user mode
- I have checked that the registers such as gp etc have to same values as in machine mode
Here is my C code that calls the assembly:
#include <stdio.h>
extern void assembler();int main() {
assembler();return 0;
Here is my assembly ( I don’t know what to do to prevent comments to be interpreted as titles):
.global assembler
.section .text.equ pmp_A, 8 # 0b01 << 3, TOR
.equ pmp_R, 1 # 1, read
.equ pmp_W, 2 # 2, write
.equ pmp_X, 4 # 4, execute
.equ PMP_CONFIG_0, (pmp_A | pmp_X | pmp_W | pmp_R).equ mstatus_mprv, 0x20000 # 1 << 17, mprv = modify privilege
.equ mstatus_mpp, 0x00000 # 0b00 << 11, mpp = privilege mode = user mode
.equ MSTATUS_MODPRIV, (mstatus_mprv | mstatus_mpp).equ mstatus_mpp_mask, 0x01800 # 3 << 11
.equ mstatus_mpp_user, 0 # 0b00 = usermodeassembler:
la a0, mhello
call printfestablish the interrupt service route
la t0, fault
csrw mtvec, t0every address, below max
li t0, -1
srli t0, t0, 2
csrw pmpaddr0, t0from TOR and below, read, write and execute in user mode
li t0, PMP_CONFIG_0
csrw pmpcfg0, t0check protection for user mode according to pmp configuration
csrr t1, mstatus
or t0, t0, t1
csrw mstatus, t0setup user mode registers
csrr t0, mstatus
li t1, mstatus_mpp_mask
not t1, t1
and t0, t0, t1
li t1, mstatus_mpp_user
or t0, t0, t1
csrw mstatus, t0 # indicate that we want user modela sp, ustack
la t0, usermode
csrw mepc, t0
la ra, usermode
mret # “return” to previous mode (carefully set up to be user mode)la a0, wtf
call print_stringret
la a0, hello
call printf100:
j 100bfault:
This fails if something happens in user mode…
csrr a2, mstatus
csrr a1, mcause
la a0, error
call printf100:
j 100bhello:
.string “Hello from user mode.\r\n”
.string “Hello from machine mode.\r\n”
.string “\033[91mWTF?\r\n”
.string “\033[91mInterrupted, cause: 0x%x, mstatus: 0x%x\r\n”.section .data
.balign 16test:
.word 0xdeadbeefguard:
.word 0xdeadbeef # if the stack has been overrun, then this guard will not say 0xdeadbeef anymore.space 24*4