I have written simple program with crude delay (sleep() doesn’t work and cpu interupt is too complicated for quick testing) to toggle pin high and low to blink led:
#include <stdio.h>
//#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <metal/gpio.h>
void delay(int number_of_seconds) //not actually number of seconds
// Converting time into milli_seconds
int milli_seconds = 1000 * number_of_seconds;
// Stroing start time
clock_t start_time = clock();
// looping till required time is not acheived
while (clock() < start_time + milli_seconds);
int main (void)
struct metal_gpio *gpio_device;
gpio_device = metal_gpio_get_device(0);
//I have tried these in all combinations, but it still doesn't work
//metal_gpio_toggle_pin(gpio_device, 13); //13 is the pin
//metal_gpio_disable_input(gpio_device, 13);
//metal_gpio_enable_output(gpio_device, 13);
printf("metal_gpio_set_pin \n");
unsigned int d0 = 0;
while (1)
metal_gpio_set_pin(gpio_device, 14, 1); //this line does absalutely nothing
//sleep (1000);
delay(10000); //10000 = 1 second
metal_gpio_set_pin(gpio_device, 14, 0); //this line does absalutely nothing
printf("debug: %u \n", d0);
//metal_gpio_set_pin(gpio_device, 15, 200); //pin device, pin, state
return 0;
I am experiencing very weird behavior. 15. and 16. pins are permamently on, 14. pin is permamently off. 13. pin flashes 2 or 3 times fast at program start. I have no slightest clue, what I am doing wrong since there are exacly 0 sample programs for manipulating pins. There is absalute shortage of sample programs. Keep in mind, that I have spent hours trying different combinations and none of them work. I looked in Metal documentation about gpio (https://sifive.github.io/freedom-metal-docs/apiref/gpio.html).
I am using Ubuntu 19.04 and latest Freedom Studio (Version: I have HiFive1 Rev B board.
What I am doing wrong?
Edit: I was using the incorect pins. I should have used gpio pins (last page contains layout - https://sifive.cdn.prismic.io/sifive%2F8d7b8385-64e3-4914-8608-8568412c8aae_hifive1b-getting-started-guide.pdf)
I performed a test and there are list of pins that work: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19
I hope, that someone finds this helpful. BTW gpio pins 19, 21, 22 are responsible for RGB led, but behaviour is weird, if you use more than 1 color at the time.